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Montana (Kalispell): Pro-Life Presentation

***While this training has already occurred, you can watch a video of a nearly identical training in Montana at

Saving Unborn Babies

A FREE Pro-Life Training to Equip You
for Such a Time as This

Location: The River (1275 U.S. Highway 2 West, Kalispell, MT 59901)

To RSVP or ask a question, please e-mail

The training will address:

  • Details regarding the proposed pro-abortion amendment to the Montana Constitution

  • How to bring biblical clarity to churchgoers who call themselves “pro-choice”

  • Using science and logic to advocate for children in the womb

  • How you can help your church promote the sanctity of human life

  • Ways to answer the difficult pro-abortion arguments you’ve heard

Please share a flyer with your pro-life friends and consider asking your church to include a slide about the event during announcements.

July 30

Missouri (Greenwood): Pro-Life Presentation

August 12

Montana (Eureka): Pro-Life Presentation