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Montana (Eureka): Pro-Life Presentation

***While this training has already occurred, you can watch a video of a nearly identical training in Montana at

Saving Unborn Babies

A FREE Pro-Life Training to Equip You
for Such a Time as This

This event is presented in collaboration with We Care Family Life Center and will be held at Valley Baptist Church of Eureka. (DO NOT search the church name on your map or it will take you to a build site. Instead, go to 64627 Hwy 37, Eureka, MT.)

To RSVP or ask a question, please e-mail

The training will address:

  • Details regarding the proposed pro-abortion amendment to the Montana Constitution

  • How to bring biblical clarity to churchgoers who call themselves “pro-choice”

  • Using science and logic to advocate for children in the womb

  • How you can help your church promote the sanctity of human life

  • Ways to answer the difficult pro-abortion arguments you’ve heard

August 11

Montana (Kalispell): Pro-Life Presentation

August 13

Montana (Helena): Pro-Life Presentation